My name is Josh. That’s it so far on my Biography, I mean I am still young. I have more to experience if I want to fill out a bio; am I right?
Living in America expressing my leather style has been… interesting. Leather seems to have a stigma when worn in addition to the classic leather jacket. More so with men as I have come to realize. But why?
To be frank, I could care less what others think; except that I do. I care so very much. Regardless, I bought my first leather pants, then leather shirt, and yes more leather jackets. It would be years before I wore them out in public, but when I did… Nothing happened? What?
Yes I got stares and brought attention to myself and looking around to gauge everyone’s reaction I soon realized, no one cares. What was I expecting? Insults, masses beginning to whisper, stones being cast? What I wasn’t expecting was surprising acceptance. Sure I am weird and I might give off stereotypical vibes, but I was accepted.
I am not denying I’m weird, I am just admitting I make weird look good. 😉
It isn’t normal for a guy to wear leather jeans where I live, but why would anyone buy stylish clothes just to blend in? If I learned anything, it’s that style is best worn with confidence. Confidence was just one of the many things wearing leather gave me.